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Ahmer Raza


I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science at Clemson University in May 2024. I love making, learning, and doing stuff. I enjoy all things CS, including (but not exclusively) full-stack web development, microcontroller/microprocessor programming, FPGA programming, circuit design, plenty of things related to linear algebra (like robot kinematics and computer graphics), and so much more.

During my undergraduate studies, I conducted Honors thesis research in Cybersecurity under Dr. Zhenkai Zhang. My research generally focuses on computer systems security; in Summer/Fall 2023, I worked on a project evaluating the feasibility of bit disturbance error attacks, such as Rowhammer and RowPress, launched from discrete GPUs. Since Spring 2024, I have been working on an extension of my Honors thesis project that involves developing a secure ECU hardware platform for automotive vehicles, which uses FPGA-based RISC-V Rocket CPU cores and the Keystone TEE platform.

In Spring 2024, I also (as part of a team) led development of a robot that won 1st place among 50+ universities in the IEEE SoutheastCon 2024 Hardware Competition! My work on this robot has taught me a lot about microcontrollers, and has allowed me to apply circuit design skills I learned prior.

Aside from my current automotive security research, I am undertaking a Master’s degree in Math at Clemson, which I expect to finish in August 2025. As part of the degree, I am conducting research at the intersection of statistics and differential privacy, co-advised by Dr. Rafael G. L. D’Oliveira and Dr. Christopher McMahan.

After graduating from college at the age of 16, I have learned that the sky truly is the limit if I have curiosity and discipline. I am indebted to my father for schooling, mentoring, and helping me throughout this amazing journey! I can’t wait to see where life takes me.

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